Magnetization Switching of Single Magnetite Nanoparticles …
Single-particle magnetization curves display superparamagnetic to ferromagnetic behaviors, depending on the size, shape, and orientation. Some nanoparticles undergo thermally activated switching on time scales of milliseconds to minutes.
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Magnetite | Common Minerals
Magnetite resembles a number of other metal ores, but it is the only common mineral that exhibits magnetism. So magnetism alone is sufficient to distinguish relatively pure magnetite samples. It is more difficult to distinguish cases where magnetite is mixed with other dark colored minerals, such as hematite and ilmenite. ...
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Magnetite | Common Minerals
Magnetite is a black, opaque, magnetic mineral that leaves a black streak when rubbed across a hard rough surface. It is one of the most abundant metal oxides, and its crystal structure contains both the ferrous (Fe+2) and ferric (Fe+3) forms of iron ions.
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Magnetic properties of single and multi‐domain …
[1] Using novel experimental methods, we measured the acquisition of isothermal remanent magnetization, direct field demagnetization, and alternating field demagnetization of multi-domain (MD) and single domain …
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Low-temperature properties of a single crystal of magnetite …
We have measured saturation induced and remanent magnetizations and induced magnetization as a function of field at low temperatures, between 300 K and 10 K, on an …
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Magnetization Switching of Single Magnetite …
465 single magnetite nanoparticles is shown in Figure S1, with amean signal-to-background (S/B) ratio of about 40. Such high visibility indicates that even smaller magnetite nano-particles could be detected with our photothermal setup. Figure 1. Photothermal CD images of single magnetite nanoparticles about 20 nm in diameter. (A) Photothermal ...
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Single crystalline superstructured stable single domain …
Here, we synthesize 40 nm particles of magnetite in the presence of polyarginine and show that they are composed of 10 nm building blocks, yet diffract like single crystals.
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Properties of Single-Domain, Pseudo-Single-Domain, and …
Abstract The characteristics of memory of remanence across the so-called isotropic point (TK ) in single crystals of magnetite are demonstrated experimentally. Memory is shown to be related to the … Expand. 75. Save. A generalized theory of thermoremanence, covering the transition from single domain to multi-domain magnetic grains.
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Correlation between particle size/domain structure and …
Highly crystalline single-domain magnetite Fe 3 O 4 nanoparticles (NPs) are important, not only for fundamental understanding of magnetic behaviour, but also for their considerable...
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Single crystalline magnetite, maghemite, and hematite nanoparticles
One-pot synthesis of amorphous iron oxide nanoparticles with two different dimensions (<5 nm and 60 nm) has been achieved using the reverse micelle method, with <5 nm nanoparticles separated from the stable colloid by exploiting their magnetic behaviour.
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Low-temperature properties of a single crystal of magnetite …
We have measured saturation induced and remanent magnetizations and induced magnetization as a function of field at low temperatures, between 300 K and 10 K, on an oriented 1.5-mm single crystal of magnetite.
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Single crystalline superstructured stable single domain …
We use both bulk magnetic measurements and magnetic induction maps recorded from individual particles using off-axis electron holography to show that each 40 nm particle …
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Magnetite: Behavior near the Single-Domain Threshold
Maximum values for the single-domain threshold d 0 and superparamagnetic threshold d 8 in pure magnetite are found to be 570 ± 50 and 350 ± 50 angstroms, respectively. Particles larger than d 0 but smaller than about 0.25 micron have size-dependent saturation remanences and coercive forces like those of multidomain particles, but intense and stable thermoremanent …
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Magnetite: Behavior near the Single-Domain Threshold | Science …
The presence of magnetite grains in this size range could account for the essentially single-domain character of stable natural remanence in many volcanic and intrusive rocks.
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Single crystalline magnetite, maghemite, and …
One-pot synthesis of amorphous iron oxide nanoparticles with two different dimensions (<5 nm and 60 nm) has been achieved using the reverse micelle method, with <5 nm nanoparticles separated from the stable colloid by …
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Single And Polymetallic Magnetite Beneficiation
Single magnetite beneficiation. Refers to pure magnetite without any impurities or additional minerals. Also known as lodestone or magnetic iron ore, is a naturally occurring iron oxide mineral. It has unique magnetic properties and has been widely used in various industries such as manufacturing, construction, and environmental restoration.
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Magnetization Switching of Single Magnetite …
Single-particle magnetization curves display superparamagnetic to ferromagnetic behaviors, depending on the size, shape, and orientation. Some nanoparticles undergo thermally activated switching on time scales of …
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Domain state in submicron-sized cubes of magnetite as defined by the magnetization structure: (a) single-domain (SD) state with nearly uniform magnetization; (b) SD "flower" state; (c) pseudo-single-domain (PSD) state containing a spin-curling structure (vortex).
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Magnetization Switching of Single Magnetite …
In this work, we have imaged and studied individual single-domain magnetite nanoparticles 20 nm in diameter by purely optical means. This is an improvement of about 4 orders of magnitude compared to our previous study …
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Single crystalline superstructured stable single domain magnetite …
Magnetite is a ubiquitous iron oxide mineral that is found on Earth and in planetary settings, as well as in the biological world 1,2,3,4,5.Magnetite nanoparticles have numerous industrial and technological applications 6,7,8,9, which often require well-defined magnetic behaviour.The magnetic properties of magnetite are dependent on Néel relaxation 10, which in …
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Single crystalline superstructured stable single domain …
SCIEntIfIC REPORTS 444 D 10.103srep444 1 Single crystalline superstructured stable single domain magnetite nanoparticles Victoria Reichel1, András Kovács2, Monika ...
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Single crystalline superstructured stable single domain magnetite …
How to cite this article: Reichel, V. et al. Single crystalline superstructured stable single domain magnetite nanoparticles. Sci. Rep. 7, 45484; doi: 10.1038/srep45484 (2017). Publisher's note: Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. This work is licensed under a ...
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Single crystalline superstructured stable single domain magnetite …
This work synthesizes 40 nm particles of magnetite in the presence of polyarginine and shows that they are composed of 10nm building blocks, yet diffract like single crystals, fundamentally demonstrating the structure – property relationship in a magnetic mesoparticle. Magnetite nanoparticles exhibit magnetic properties that are size and organization dependent …
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Single crystalline superstructured stable single domain magnetite …
Here, we synthesize 40 nm particles of magnetite in the presence of polyarginine and show that they are composed of 10 nm building blocks, yet diffract like single crystals.
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Domain state in submicron-sized cubes of magnetite as defined by the magnetization structure: (a) single-domain (SD) state with nearly uniform magnetization; (b) …
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Correlation between particle size/domain structure and …
Highly crystalline single-domain magnetite Fe 3 O 4 nanoparticles (NPs) are important, not only for fundamental understanding of magnetic behaviour, but also for their …
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Magnetic properties of single and multi‐domain magnetite …
[1] Using novel experimental methods, we measured the acquisition of isothermal remanent magnetization, direct field demagnetization, and alternating field demagnetization of multi-domain (MD) and single domain (SD) magnetite under hydrostatic pressures to 6 GPa.
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Searching for single domain magnetite in the "pseudo‐single…
[3] The dominance of 'PSD'-like magnetite in sediments is simultaneously unsurprising and puzzling. On the one hand, the bulk grain size of fine-grained sediments (clays and silts) from many environments encompasses the broad ∼100 nm to several micron size range for PSD magnetite [e.g., Sun et al., 2002; Weltje and Prins, 2003; Sun et al., 2006], so it is to …
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(PDF) Magnetization Switching of Single Magnetite …
Photothermal CD images of single magnetite nanoparticles, about 20 nm in diameter. A: Photothermal (PT) image; B: CD image without applied static magnetic field; C, D: MCD images with magnetic ...
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Single crystalline superstructured stable single domain magnetite …
We use both bulk magnetic measurements and magnetic induction maps recorded from individual particles using off-axis electron holography to show that each 40 nm particle typically contains a single magnetic domain.
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